S. 155. Liability of person for whose benefit riot is committed.— Whenever a riot is committed for the benefit or on behalf of any person who is the owner or occupier of any land respecting which such riot takes place or who claims any interest in such land, or in the subject of any dispute which gave rise to the riot, or who has accepted or derived any benefit therefrom, such person shall be punishable with fine , if he or his agent or manager, having reason to believe that such riot was likely to be committed or that the unlawful assembly by which such riot was committed was likely to be held, shall not respectively use all lawful means in his or their power to prevent such assembly or riot from taking place, and for suppressing and dispersing the same.
Introducing a woman to his wife, a man said,” her sister’s mother is the only daughter of my maternal grandmother.” How is the man related to the...
Pointing towards a photograph Amit says, “He is the son of my grandfather’s only child, then how is he related to Amit?
A, C, E, G, I and K are six family members. I is son of G, who is not the mother of I. C is brother of G. K and G are a married couple. E is daughter of...
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group. Find the one who doesn’t belong to that gro...
R’ is the husband of ‘Q’, ‘P’ is the daughter of ‘R’, ‘S’ is the husband of ‘P’, ‘E’ is the daughter of ‘S’. What is the r...
How is Q related to N?
How is U’s child related to T’s father-in-law?
In a family of six members, C is the daughter of U’s daughter only brother. E is the daughter-in-law of L, who is husband of U. Z is brother of B, the...
How is A related to B?
If M is married to P, then how is S related to M?