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Explanation: As per Section 35- For the purposes of this Code, any direct tax payable by the employer for any accounting year shall, subject to the following provisions, be calculated at the rates applicable to the income of the employer for that year, namely:— (a) in calculating such tax no account shall be taken of,–– (i) any loss incurred by the employer in respect of any previous accounting year and carried forward under any law for the time being in force relating to direct taxes; (ii) any arrears of depreciation which the employer is entitled to add to the amount of the allowance for depreciation for any succeeding accounting year or years under sub-section (2) of section 32 of the Income-tax Act; (b) where the employer is a religious or a charitable institution to which the provisions of section 41 do not apply and the whole or any part of its income is exempt from the tax under the Income-tax Act, then, with respect to the income so exempted, such institution shall be treated as if it were a company in which the public are substantially interested within the meaning of that Act; (c) where the employer is an individual or a Hindu undivided family, the tax payable by such employer under the Income-tax Act shall be calculated on the basis that the income derived by him from the establishment is his only income; (d) where the income of any employer includes any profits and gains derived from the export of any goods or merchandise out of India and any rebate on such income is allowed under any law for the time being in force relating to direct taxes, then, no account shall be taken of such rebate; (e) no account shall be taken of any rebate other than development rebate or investment allowance or development allowance or credit or relief or deduction (not hereinbefore mentioned in this section) in the payment of any direct tax allowed under any law for the time being in force relating to direct taxes or under the relevant annual Finance Act, for the development of any industry.
Drainage method used in high water table areas under the surface.
Black soils popularly known as “Black cotton soils” are high in clay content and these soil develop wide cracks during the dry season but their iron...
Pheromone Gossyplure released by an insect
Which of the following pigments acts as a reaction- centre during photosynthesis?
What is the budget allocated for the National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM) covering the fiscal years from 2020-2021 to 2022-2023?
Vertisol order soil is found maximum in which state?
Which of the following Indian sheep breed is known for producing superior
quality carpet wool
E-nam was launched in which year
During milling of wheat, nutrient losses occur, fortification helps in adding back those nutrients……………………………… when added to whe...
Somatic embryos generate plants called as?