Standardization typically occurs after the innovation process, where successful innovations are replicated and standardized for mass production or widespread adoption. It is not a stage within the innovation process itself, which typically includes ideation, development, testing, implementation, and commercialization.
Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.
Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series will complete the series.
C _ B N _ _ V_ _ H C _ B _ H
Five books labelled B, G, N, P and T are kept one above the other (not necessarily in the same order). Only one book is kept between N and G. B is just ...
Showing a photograph of a girl, Prateek said, “This is Gunjan. She is my father’s mother-in-law’s husband’s only daughter’s daughter.”
<...Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed at MN.
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Senior secondary school
...Find the missing number in the given analogy:
144 : 1728 :: 169 : ?
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance...
If A means '–', G means '×' D means '÷' E means '+', then what will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation?
18 E 27...
In a certain code language. 'ENTRUST' is coded as 'FOURVIU' and 'CUSHION' is coded as 'DVTHIPO'. What is the code for 'CLEAVER' in the given code language?