Travelers are often in need of small convenience products and food items such as soft drinks. Airports, train and bus stations, and commuter stops do not have stores or stores that are open 24 hours each day; they are good locations for which type of non-store retailing?
Vending machines make it possible to serve customers when and where stores cannot. Newspapers have long been available from vending machines. Hot and cold drinks, snacks, and small convenience products are all sold as well.
Which one of the following instrument is used to measure wind speed?
Which of the following is the main objective of India's New Export Policy 2018?
In Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan yojana the age for entry is
Single superphosphate contains:
Which one of the following is PMFBY Exclusion?
According to latest Animal Husbandry Statistics 2023, which state is leading in milk production ?
Value of correlation coefficient lies between
Choose the correct statement.
The optimum temperature of the vegetative growth of wheat
Which one is a biennial plant?