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Social media allows the marketer to do more for less. Learning about consumers through traditional marketing research is expensive. With social media, it is possible to derive deep, meaningful, real-time insights across numerous consumer segments and topics far more cost-effectively than ever before.
A synthetic growth retardant used to prevent sprouting of onions and potatoes.
The most suitable soil type for groundnut cultivation is _____
IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) also known as
Gypsum is recommended in cultivation of:
The perfect stage is not seen in:
Quality protein maize is rich in
Field planting season for poplar tree is
________ has propounded that "output is a function of labour and capital".
Which one of the following Sate is known as Rice Bowl of India?
Machine that improves the efficiency of a cleaner cum grader by removing smaller and larger size impurities from the grain?