The place an offering occupies in consumers' minds on important attributes relative to competitive products is called product positioning.
Find the greatest number of four digits which is divisible by 14, 30 and 42.
If a number 5678x43267y is completely divisible by 72 then (x+y)?
If 45780x52 is divisible by 72, then find the sum of all possible values of 'x'.
What is the remainder when 219 is divided by 3?
If the 6-digit number 1344AB is divisible by 3, 7, and 11, then what is the value of A + B?
What is the minimum value of X for which 437X6 is divisible by 9?
If a number 'a' is divisible by 18 and another number 'b' is divisible by 12, then (a2 – b2) is divisible by:
A six-digit number 23p7q6 is divisible by 24. Then the greatest possible value for (p + q) is:
What is the remainder of function 5a³–15a² +14a–3 when divided by (2a-2)?