Durable goods are goods that have a long life. For example, automobiles, books, household goods (home appliances, consumer electronics, furniture, tools), etc.
Terracing helps in soil conservation in ......................................?
Recently, the Department of Skill Development and Employment, Uttarakhand has signed a MoU with ________________ during Youth Mahotsav. Unde...
Which one of the following instrument measures Fiber fineness?
Which one of the following designs is recommended for experiments with homogeneous experimental units?
APEDA is mandated with the responsibility of export promotion and development of which of the following scheduled products?
Each species of plant or animal has an ideal location for its best growth and survival and the location is called
The mineral fraction of the soil represents
What is the isolation distance in case of certified seed production in Pearl Millet?
Judicious removal of plant part to obtain better and qualitative yield is termed as
The tree which is known for its scarlet red flowers and is commonly used as an ornamental tree for shade and hedges due to its spines