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It concentrates upon the activities or marketing functions and focuses on the role of decision-making at the level of firm.
How many vowels are between A and @?
FORTRAN programming language is more suitable for
If, J = 17 and JACK = 83, Then JACKAL = ?
Which of the following elements should come in a place of ‘?’
TR7 VP9 XN11 ?
...In the given series, how many vowels are immediately succeeded by a number?
How many letters are there in the given series which are immediately followed by a number?
L 6 7 Z @ U 5 % 6 L M @ N P L 9 @ Y # 5 F 6
How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a consonant and also immediately preceded by a symbol?
In the word ‘COMPARED’, first all the vowels are arranged followed by consonants alphabetically, then if any word is possible to make with the fir...
In the given arrangement, how many such numbers are there which are immediately followed by a symbol and immediately preceded by a letter?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group Which is the one that does ...