A change in quantity demanded due to an increase or decrease in price while all other factors remain constant is known as Movement along the same Demand Curve. A change in demand as a result of a change in variable other than the commodity's own price is known as a Shift in Demand Curve
Which of the following fruits is a rich source of vitamin C?
Liquid nitrogen: Used to store seeds at -196°C, which stops metabolic deterioration and protects the seeds from contamination.
What is the difference between the highest and lowest value is called?
Irrigation water safely used for irrigation purpose have SAR value
The WTO began life on ________, but its trading system is half a century older.
Lower plants reproduce by
Orobanche is a problem weed in
The process in tobacco is performed after harvesting
Prevention of food adulteration act was passed in which of the following year?
Which one of the following is associated with Aroma is rice ?