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Per capita GNP is the total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in a year including income from foreign investments, divided by the number of people living there. For countries which have a lot of foreign investments, GNP per capita is a more accurate economic indicator. GNP = GDP + Net income inflow from abroad – Net income outflow to foreign countries. Therefore, if gains of increase in per capita income are grabbed by a small section of society (i.e. poverty and unemployment has increased and the increase in GNP is with a smaller section of population), then economic growth will not lead to economic development.
If {p2 + (2p2/5)} = 14p , p ≠ 0, then find the value of {p2 + (10/p) - 1}.
Find the largest 5-digit number that is divisible by 18, 24, and 36.
How many 3-digit numbers are completely divisible by 5?
What is the unit digit of (217)413 × (819)547 × (414)624 × (342)812?
Determine the total no of odd factors of the number 4200.
Albela Sells Chocolates in the packs of 6 chocolates, 12 chocolates, 18 chocolates and 24 chocolates etc, but the rate is necessarily uniform. One day ...
How many times I write digit ‘1’ in first hundred natural numbers?
In a group of three numbers first is double of second and half of third. The average of three numbers is 42. Find the difference between the first numbe...
How many digits are required to write first 500 natural numbers?