National income accounts have three sides: a product side, an expenditure side and an income side. So there are three methods of measuring national Income. They are 1. Output/Production or value added method 2. Incomemethod 3. Expenditure Method · The product side measures production based on concept of value added and has two widely reported measures of overall production namely, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP). · The expenditure side looks at the final sales of goods and services, Whereas the income side measures the distribution of the proceeds from sales to different factors of production. · Accordingly, national income is a measure of the total flow of ‘earnings of the factor-owners’ which they receive through the production of goods and services. · Thus, national income is the sum total of all the incomes accruing over a specified period to the residents of a country and consists of wages, salaries, profits, rent and interest.
Which sentence should come first in the paragraph?
1. I am well aware
P. the controlling motive in the
Q. of the fact that the mere
R. except in very rare cases,
S. accumulati...
Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence.
A. Of this about 60% gets recycled, according to the Union environ...
In the question given below, each passage consist of 6 sentences. The first and the 6th sentences are marked. The middle 4 sentences in each have been...
Select the most appropriate sequence from the given options to make a meaningful paragraph from jumbled sentences.
A. She was a tall woman and ...
The question consists of five statements labelled A, B, C, D and E which when logically ordered form a coherent passage. Choose the option that represe...
Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
...Choose the correct order.
1. He plunged in among the big spruce trees.
P. At the man's heels trotted a dog, a big native husky, the pro...
Sentences of a paragraph are given below. While the first and the last sentences (S1 and S6) are in the correct order, the sentences in between are jumb...
Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.