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National income accounts have three sides: a product side, an expenditure side and an income side. So there are three methods of measuring national Income. They are 1. Output/Production or value added method 2. Incomemethod 3. Expenditure Method · The product side measures production based on concept of value added and has two widely reported measures of overall production namely, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP). · The expenditure side looks at the final sales of goods and services, Whereas the income side measures the distribution of the proceeds from sales to different factors of production. · Accordingly, national income is a measure of the total flow of ‘earnings of the factor-owners’ which they receive through the production of goods and services. · Thus, national income is the sum total of all the incomes accruing over a specified period to the residents of a country and consists of wages, salaries, profits, rent and interest.
The liability of legal representative in case of penalty payable under SEBI Act shall be
For the purpose of section 23 of The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, which among the following is not correct?
Which of the following is incorrect with respect to the information that are required to be incorporated in the Memorandum of Association of a Company?
What may happen if the parties reach an agreement on a settlement of the dispute?
Legal tender character of notes is provided under which section of the RBI Act, 1934?
Which of the following property is not liable to attachment under execution?
Section 6 of the Indian Penal Code is based on the Roman maxim:
Under which Act the Site Appraisal Committee can be constituted?
Under the Commercial Courts Act with respect to a territory over which the High Courts have ordinary original civil jurisdiction, what can the State Gov...
The communication of a revocation is complete, as against the person who makes it _________________