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Incomeis aflow conceptbecause it is measured over a period of time (length of time). Circular/low ofincomerefers to continuous circularflowof moneyincome. Theconceptsof stock andfloware used in more in macro economics or in the theory ofincome, output and employment. Money is a stock variable, whereas the spending the money is aflowvariable. Wealth is stock,incomeisflow, saving by a person within a month isflow, while the total saving on a day is stock.
Prateek Asthana has secured 68% marks in graduation. He has scored 72% and 82% marks in the entrance examination and Interview respectively. He can pay ...
Abhishek Ghosh was born on June 03, 1991 and is a graduate with 86% marks. He has scored 61% marks in the entrance examination and 98 marks in the int...
Rajesh has obtained a letter from gram Pradhan. He has 5 acres of cultivable land. He was born of 10th January 1968. He doesn’t have an...
Ritika Ghosh was born on June 06, 1997. She has secured 78% and 52% marks in graduation and entrance examination respectively. She can pay Rs.1,00,000 a...
Kanika Rawat has completed her graduation last year with 62% marks at the age of 20 years. She has scored 60% and 72% in the entrance and interview re...
Nidhi Sharma was born on April 04, 1995 and has secured 80% marks in the entrance examination. Her marks in graduation was 55% but she has secured 91% m...
Alex has been working as faculty for the past 3 years. He has secured 75% in both graduation and post graduation. He has secured 53% in interview.