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Incomeis aflow conceptbecause it is measured over a period of time (length of time). Circular/low ofincomerefers to continuous circularflowof moneyincome. Theconceptsof stock andfloware used in more in macro economics or in the theory ofincome, output and employment. Money is a stock variable, whereas the spending the money is aflowvariable. Wealth is stock,incomeisflow, saving by a person within a month isflow, while the total saving on a day is stock.
In CPU design, what does the Control Unit (CU) primarily handle?
Devices which are used to receive data from central processing unit are classified as
Which of the following sorting algorithms has a worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)?
State true or false
Paging incurs memory overheads in operating system.
Which type of transistor is less susceptible to thermal runaway?
What is the full form of GPRS?
Which type of lock allows a transaction to read a resource and, at the same time, prevent other transactions from writing to that resource?
Which of the following is NOT a common synchronization mechanism in operating systems?
How does blockchain achieve its tamper-resistant quality?
Define Mapping Process?