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The reproduction of the population refers to a change of a generation into a new one. Reproduction is measured by gross reproduction rates or net reproduction rates that generally indicate the ratio between the sizes of the daughter's and mother's generations. The fertility and mortality of the mother's generation before the end of the childbearing age is taken into account in the calculation of the net reproduction rate. In the gross reproduction rate this mortality is not taken into consideration. If the net reproduction rate calculated per one woman is less than one, the daughter's generation is smaller than the mother's generation and the mother's generation has not reproduced itself. Normally NRR varies from 0 to 5 and it cannot exceed GRR. If NRR = 1, then the female population will exactly replace itself into new generation and population remains constant.
Which country's stock exchange is indexed by 'Bovespa'?
During periods of inflation, tax rates should
_____________ launched the e-Sawaari India Electric Bus Coalition, in partnership with Convergence Energy Service Limited (CESL) and World Resources Ins...
In which Union Budget was the formation of MUDRA Bank announced?
Consumer surplus is highest in the case of ________.
National Level Pollution Response Exercise, NATPOLREX, it was its 8th edition this year is conducted by?
Which of the following curves is typically inverted ‘U’ shaped?
Normal goods, such as food and clothing, are characterized by a direct relationship between which of the following?
SANKALP Scheme is one of the important skill development programme sponsored by World Bank which is under implementation till_______.
Price theory is also known as _________?