As per the Agricultural Census 2015-16, total number of operational land holdings in Rajasthan was 76.55 Lakh. Out of these: Marginal - 40.12%. Small - 21.90 %. Semi medium - 18.50%. Medium 14.79%. Large holdings - 4.69 % There is an increase in the number of marginal, small, semi medium, and medium landholdings, and a decrease is in the number of large landholdings in the year 2015-16 in comparison to the year 2010-11. This indicates that there is an increase in the number of divisions of land due to the splitting of joint families.
Aflatoxins is produced by
Which of the following governs the secondary drying process in freeze-drying?
Steady state environment comprising of a special blend of Oxygen, Nitrogen and carbon dioxide monitored and maintained to extend the shelf life of cert...
A unit operation which is used for disintegration of fat globules in milk from large globules and clusters into minute globules is
a) Wi...
In which of the following method, heating is due to electrical resistance of a food
Combination of two or more than that methods for synergistic preservation is called
Which is recognition of symptom of Oil & Fat oxidation
Ultra-high-temperature processing involves heating for…… at …..
Lectin is a__________
An IMF is characterized by a moisture content of approximately…….and a water activity (aw) between……..