Clay particles are smaller than 0.002 mm in diameter. Some clay particles are so small that ordinary microscopes do not show them.
Which of the following is code of ‘ you ’?
What will be the code for ‘record assembly allegedly suffers’?
The code “rd” is coded for which of the following word?
Which of the following is coded as ‘ cix nid ’?
In a certain code language ‘FRAUD’ is coded as ‘20’ and ‘MANUAL’ is coded as ‘50’ then ‘BARREN’ will be coded as ____ in the same co...
Rearranging the letters “AKBLU’, we get the capital of _________
In a certain code language, ‘BRING’ is written as ‘XHQLS’ and ‘EXTRA’ is written as ‘UBFHY’. How will ‘GRAVY’ be written in that lan...
How "cognitive mental purity" can be coded in the given language?
If ‘Their drama’ is coded as ‘nl da’ then what is the code for ‘drama’?
What is the code of ‘impossible’?