The SARAS AAJEEVIKA MELA-2023 in Noida, UP, the first Aajeevika fair in the new year, Shri Giriraj Singh said that there are over 9 crore Women SHG members, viz 9 crore households, and if each of Didi will save Rs 100 per month, the bank will succeed with staggering amount with even higher deposits by most of the Didis (Women SHG Members).
Six people, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre (but not necessarily in the same manner). One person is s...
Four of the five among the following are similar in such a way to forms a group, who among the following doesn’t belong to that group?
Who likes Blue?
There are six persons M, N, O, P, Q, and R are sitting around a circular table such all are facing outside the centre. R sits second to the right of O. ...
How many candidates are sitting between D and G?
Who site second to the right of E.
Six persons, R, S, T, U, V and W sit along a linear row and face in the north direction. The distance between two adjacent persons is the same. Two pers...
Five friends Ajit, Chaman, Ram, Gaurav, and Pinku are sitting in a row facing north. Ajit is sitting at the left end while Pinku is sitting second from...
T, C, P, N and S are five friends sitting in a row facing south. S is sitting exactly between C and N. P is not the immediate neighbour of C and T does ...
How many person sits between A and L, when counted left of L?