In 1952, the existing rail networks were divided into six Zones for administrative purpose. Further with prospering of the economy Indian Railway made all railway production indigenous.
The Daughter cells produced after mitosis will have ___________ number of chromosomes as original cells.
A situation when the rainfall deficiency is 25% or more of long term average, it is classified as
The production indifference curve is also known as:
………… is the process of distributing of vegetables and fruits into different groups according to their size, shape, color, and volume to fetch hi...
Judicious removal of plant part to obtain better and qualitative yield is termed as
Depth of sowing depends on which of the following?
The first transgenic crop approved for cultivation was
Which of the following is not considered as green house gas?
Fusion of cytoplasm from two species and nuclear genes from any one species leads to the development of:
Marginal utility signifies