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Rowland Macdonald Stephenson (1808-95), an experienced railway engineer, was chosen as the Company's first managing director. Stephenson and three surveyors immediately headed to Calcutta, arriving in July 1845.
Which of the following correctly describes an Open Economy?
As per the Economic Survey 2023-24, what was the share of the services sector in India's overall GVA at current prices in FY24?
Consider the following statements about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U):
I. PMAY-U is a demand-driven scheme, where beneficiaries apply...
What is the rank of India in Gender Gap report?
As per RBI guidelines, ‘Bulk Deposit’ in the case of RRBs mean a Single Term Deposit of _______ and above.
The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is a Centrally Sponsored flagship scheme by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of I...
Which of the following is a component of the RAMP Scheme?
Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), cold storages are sanctioned by State & Central level committees. What is the eligible cold s...
Recently Government of India took some initiatives to imperove Sex ratioin the country. Sex Ratio has increased to 937 in 2020-21 from ___ in 2014-15?
What is the primary purpose of the Performance Grading Index for Districts (PGI-D) report?