Rail Coach Factory at Kapurthala is a coach manufacturing unit of the Indian Railways in the state of Punjab. It is located on the Jalandhar-Firozpur railway line.
Mark the correct statement with regard to spices and essential oils:
a. Cinnamon is the bark of a tree
b. Cardamom is a d...
Name the heat desiccated dairy product.
The removal of moisture from the food material for preservation of food is called as________
Irradiation of food is also called as………
Ninety five percent of fat digestion takes place in the:
Find the mineral which plays an important role in growth:
Which of the following is an example of enzyme coagulated milk product?
a. Paneer
b. Dahl
c. Cheese
<...Which of the following microorganism is eliminated in canned foods?
Flushing of gas inside the packages is done with which of the following gases?
As per the guidelines of ICMR/NIN the percent of energy derived from cereals and nutricereals for an adult on a 2000 kcal diet is: