RBI derives the authority to issue KYC Directions under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. This act empowers RBI to take necessary measures to protect public interest and ensure the stability and integrity of the financial system in India.
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.
Unusual : Frequent :: Righteous :?
If in the word ‘ DEPENDABLE ’ all the letters are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right end then position of how many letter(s) will be ...
How is C related to B?
I. D is married to E. C is the sister of D. E has only one daughter F. F is the granddaughter of B.
II. D is the da...
किस संख्या का 18%संख्या 75 के 12%के बराबर है ?
If * means +, @ means -, # means × and $ means ÷, then what is the value of 16 * 40 @ 56 $ 7 # 2 ?
Which of the following is NOT an operating system?
If A sits second to the left of M then how many seats are between A and L when counted from the right of L?
मेरी बहन मुझसे 352 दिन बड़ी है जबकि मेरा भाई उससे 65 सप्ताह बड़ा ...
किसी कोड भाष में यदि PUZZLE शब्द का कोड RXEGWR है , तो OUTPUT का कोड क्या ...
If K and M interchanged their positions then how many seats are there between M and R?