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Present age of ‘A’ = 28 – 4 = 24 years Present age of ‘C’ = 24 – 6 = 18 years Required ratio = 18:20 = 9:10
He who will bid the highest will get the product.
But as investors in such firms (A)/have learnt this year, the sector (B)/is not as risk adverse as (C)/had been widely perceived (D).
India's power demand is expect to soar (1)/in summer, with weather officials forecasting (2)/maximum temperatures above normal in April (3)/in many nort...
The world is not kindly to those who do not tackle their own problems.Â
For Michael, it’s important to make a distinction between (A)/ information that should remain encrypt, like bank data and health data, and (B)/ info...
X. India continues to rank poorly in various global indices that reflects the quality of life, human capital or human development in the country.
...If the complaint were against multiple advocates, (1)/the disciplinary proceedings should continue (2)/against the surviving lawyers (3)/unless the com...
Of the billions of stars in the galaxy, (a) / how much are (b) / suitable for life (c) / No error (d)