
    The current average age of 'Akhil', 'Bittu', and 'Chinu' is 42 years. 'Bittu's' age is 25% greater than 'Akhil's'. Twelve years from now, the age ratio of 'Akhil' to 'Chinu' will be 2:1. Calculate the difference in the current ages of 'Akhil' and 'Bittu'.

    A 12 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 15 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 25 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 30 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E none of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, Let the ages of ‘Akhil’ and ‘Chintu’, 12 years hence from now be 2a years and ‘a’ years, respectively Therefore, present age of ‘Chintu’ = (a – 12) years Present age of ‘Akhil’ = (2a – 12) years Therefore, present age of ‘Bittu’ = 1.25(2a – 12) years According to the question, 1.25(2a – 12) + 2a – 12 + a – 12 = 42 × 3 Or, 5.5a – 39 = 126 Or, 5.5a = 165 Or, a = 30 Therefore, present age of ‘Akhil’ = 2a – 12 = 48 years Present age of ‘Bittu’ = 1.25 × 48 = 60 years Required difference = 60 – 48 = 12 years

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