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Let ages of A and B, four years ago be 6x years and 7x years respectively. According to question; (6x + 16)/(7x + 16) = 10/11 66x + 176 = 70x + 160 4x = 16 x = 4 Average of present ages of A and B = (13 × 4 + 8)/2 = 30 years
If ‘+’ means ‘-’, ‘×’ means ‘+’, ‘-’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ means ‘×’, then, what is the value of the following expressio...
If in a certain code language ‘+’ represents ‘×’, ‘–’ represents ‘+’, ‘×’ represents ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ represents ‘–’....
Select the correct combination of the mathematical signs to replace the ‘@’ symbols in the below equation and thereby balance it:
Which expression is correct?
If ‘P’ means (÷), ‘Q’ means (×), ‘R’ means (+), and ‘S’ means (-), then what is the value of the expression:
44 S 96 P 12 R 11 ...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and to balance the given equation.
168 * 8 * 7 * 34 * 94 = 256
In a given code form:
P + Q means P - Q
P ÷ Q means P × Q
P × Q means P + Q
P - Q means P ÷ Q
What is the correct...
In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'COMPUTER' be arranged in such a way that the vowels always come together?
If 236 = 33, 487 = 57, 6391 = 57, then 851 = ?
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace '*' sign and balance the equation given below.
172 * 224 * 8 *...