
    The current age of Sumit is 150% greater than Mohit's

    current age, while Punit's current age is double (100% more than) Mohit's current age. If the combined total of the Mohit's age 8 years from now, Sumit's age 4 years ago, and Punit's age 6 years from now is 76 years, then what is Sumit's present age?  
    A 24 years Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 30 years Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 26 years Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 12 years Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E 15 years Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Let the present age of Mohit be '2x' years. So, present age of Sumit = 2x X 2.5 = '5x' years Or, present age of Punit = 2x X 2 = '4x' years ATQ, (5x - 4 + 2x + 8 + 4x + 6) = 76 Or, 11x + 10 = 76 Or, 11x = 66 So, 'x' = 6 Therefore, present age of Sumit = 5x = 5 X 6 = 30 years

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