Mohit is 4 years older than Nittu. The present age ratio
of Nittu to Pawan is 11:6. Additionally, Mohit's current age is twice that of Pawan's. Based on this information, determine Nittu's present age.
A24 yrsCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
B18 yrsCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
C44 yrsCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
D34 yrsCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
ENone of theseCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
ATQ; Let Nittu’s present age = 11x years Pawan’s present age = 6x years Mohit’s present age = 11x + 4 According to the question, (11x + 4) = 2 × 6x 11x + 4 = 12x x = 4 Present age of Nittu = 11 × 4 = 44 years