The correct answer is A
How many factors does the number 675 have in total?
The least number which when divided by 6,18 and 20 leave a same remainder 3 in each case?
If the product of two numbers is 2700 and the HCF is 15, then find the LCM of those two numbers.
The least number which is exactly divisible by 15, 25 and 30 is
The ratio of two numbers is 6:14 and their LCM is 126. The numbers are:
LCM of two numbers is 10 times their HCF. The product of the numbers is 18000. What will be the maximum possible difference between the numbers?
From a point on circular track 20 km long P, Q and R started running in the same direction at the same time with speed of 4 km per hour, 2 km per hour, ...
The sum of two numbers is 99 and their HCF is 9. Total number of such pairs of numbers is?
Find the value of 'a' such that (x + a) is the H.C.F of the polynomials 3x²-2x - 8 and 2x²- 7x -6.
The HCF of two numbers 110 and 1980 is: