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6106/√? = 3976/56 6106/√? = 71 ? = 862 = 7396
What maybe the possible meaning of the phrase ‘ Herculean task’ as mentioned in the above passage?
1. In the evening, a dark and menacing storm quickly gathered.
P. Heavy and incessant rain filled the darkness, ancient trees were uprooted an...
In the question given below, rearrange the parts of the sentence in the correct order, and choose the correct option. If all the parts are arranged in t...
Which one among the following is the opening sentence to make the paragraph coherent?
Which is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
Which should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
A. was expecting incentives for introducing new
B. agriculture processing sector had started doing well in last quarter
C. with GST implem...
Revenue expenditure (P)/refers to the excess of government’s(Q)/ Revenue Deficit(R)/over revenue receipts(S).
1. My meditations were interrupted by a tremendous noise and conflict in another part of the café.
P. I saw above the heads of the seated ...
Which of the following is the third sentence of the passage?