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The average of 10 numbers is 21.8. The average of the last four numbers is 15. If the average of the first five numbers is 23, then what is the value of...
The average weight of a group of (x - 3) employees is (x + 4) kg. If a manager of weight 54 kg joins the office, then average weight of the group increa...
The average age of 32 children and their teacher's age are 28 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 1. What is the teacher's age?
The average expenditure of a man for the first 5 month is Rs.4000 and for the next 7 months is Rs.6000. If he saves 10000 in that year then find his ave...
The average of five even numbers is 72. If we replace two of these even numbers, 84 and 92, with a single even number X, the new average decreases by 4....
Average 20 numbers is ‘x’. If the average of first 12 numbers is 74.5 while average of last 5 numbers is 84.8 and 13th, 14th a...
The average age of 12 girls is 35 years. If the age of two more girl is added the average decreases by one and a half year. What is the sum of the age o...
Average weight of 10 nurses is 32 kg. If the weight of one more nurse is included, then average weight is increased by 2 kg. Find the weight of the newl...
The average weight of 16 people increases by 500 grams when two individuals, each with an average weight of 40 kg, are added. What is the new average we...
The average expenditure of a man for the first seven month is Rs.12000 and for the next five months is Rs.9000. If he saves 15000 in that year then find...