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A situation when the rainfall deficiency is 25% or more of long term average, it is classified as
The terminal cell of the 2- celled proembryo divides by longitudinal wall and the basal cell and terminal cell both contribute to the development of emb...
A series of still pictures on one roll is called:
Which type of water absorption relies on the osmotic gradient, with root cells actively participating in the process by spending metabolic energy?
Sky radiation is the radiation scattered by suspended particles in the atmosphere. It is also known as:
When should the pruning of plum trees ideally be performed?
To meet the new challenges in agriculture through NARS strong and supportive ______________ policies are very imperative.
Iodine is used in milk for detecting adulteration for
The pH of a neutral solution is —
How does a stubble-type mouldboard differ from a general-purpose mouldboard?