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ATQ, (359.92÷24.02)+(230.04÷5)=?% of 210.0-86.1 360/24+230/5+86=?% of 210 15+46+86=?% of 210 147=? × 210/100 ?=70
सिरोही क्षेत्र की पहाड़ियों को स्थानीय भाषा में क्या कहा ज...
According to the Census 2011, Ghaziabad is top-ranked in terms of population density in Uttar Pradesh, while the second position is of:
Which of the following is the smallest state in India by area?
Which among the following country will hold referendum in May to decide on easing ban on abortion?
NISHTHA is an initiative to build capacities of educators and school principals at the elementary stage. What does the “T” stand for in NISHTHA?
...The First Governor to sign a note in India was:
On 12th November every year we celebrate _______ day?
In which year did Narendra Modi propose the celebration of the International Day of Yoga at the United Nations General Assembly?
Name the actor who has agreed to be a partner in promoting 'Swachhta Survekshan 2018' with BrihanMumbai Muncipal Corporation (BMC)?
कैलकोसाइट किसका अयस्क है ?