√2703.88 × √784.15 – 26² = ? - (34.85)² √2704 × √784 – 26² = ? - (35)² 52 × 28 - 676 = ? - 1225 = 2005
Rohit travels 10 km to the east from his shop, then turns left and travels 21 km. He again turns left and travels 30 km to reach his house. What is the ...
From his fishpond, Niyaz went to the fish market. First, he went straight towards the north for 2 km and then turned right. Thereafter, he walked for a ...
Select the option that is related to the fifth term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term and the fourth term is related to th...
Select the option that depicts how he given transparent sheet of paper would appear if it is folded at the dotted line.
What should come in place of '?' in the given series?
14 85 511 3067 18403 ?
A unique number has been assigned to each letter in the following table. Select such a combination of numbers which when arranged according to the lette...
If ‘+’ means ‘÷’, ‘–’ means ‘+’, ‘×’ means ‘−’ and ‘÷’ means ‘×’, what will be the value of the following expres...
Select the odd pair of words from the following options.
If the given sheet is folded to form a cube, which of the following figures is NOT possible?
One evening before sunset, Guna and Bala were talking to each other face to face. If Bala's shadow was falling exactly on his right, then in which dire...