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Weight of newly added nurse = (49 x 18) – (17 x 48) = 882 – 816 = 66 kg
You need to select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase marked in bold.
I am sure they will fight tooth and nail ...
Joseph’s business partner took advantage of him by making a deal with their rival and left him high and dry .
I. Leaving ...
Fill in the blank with an appropriate idiom.
The new employee was __________, but he quickly learned the ropes.
In each question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom / Phrase highlighted in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meani...
lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness.
After their (A)/long argument the two brothers (B)/have at last (C)/worried the hatchet (D). No error (E)
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Mark's sudden promotion was _______________ as he had been working hard and was more q...
Given below are the sentences with Idioms and Phrases highlighted in bold. You are required to choose the most correct meaning of the phrase from the g...
Show a clean pairs of heels