5 positive numbers are written on a piece of paper. Sum of first 3 numbers is 60 and ratio of the 4th and the 5th number is 2:3. If difference between the 4th and the 5th number is 14, then find the average of all the numbers.
Given, 4th number:5th number = 2:3 Let, 4th number = 2x 5th number = 3x So, 3x – 2x = 14 Or, x = 14 Required average = {(60 + 14 × 2 + 14 × 3)/5} = (130/5) = 26
The transport system of plants depends majorly on the two tissues _____ and _______.
The deficiency of______ causes scurvy.
How many pair of heart is found in an earthworm?
Which human organ is affected by 'Xerophthalmia'?
Which technique is employed for DNA detection?
Which microscopic parasite is responsible for causing sleeping sickness?
Which of the following enzymes begins the chemical process digestion in the humans?
Which Gland of the Human body secretes Melatonin?
Which one of the following is not a Vitamin?
Which type of organism is responsible for ringworm infections?