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Sum of first 12 numbers = (12 × 65) = 780 Sum of last 5 numbers = (76 × 5) = 380 Sum of 11th and 12th number = (780 - 380) = 400 So, 12th number = 400 × (7/20) = 140
Soils with high pH are generally deficient in:
Which of the following animal has longest gestation period:
The fruit of mustard is called
What does a more elastic curve signify in terms of price and quantity consumed?
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: The transpiration, water is loss from aerial parts of plants in the form of invisible water vapours....
While recommending price policy of various commodities under its mandate, the Commission keeps in mind ____
What differentiates open vascular bundles from closed vascular bundles in plants?
Sucrose consists of:
Oleoresin is made from
Which group of crops is more suited for organic farming in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh?