Let the 25 innings score = x given -highest and lowest score difference = 157 H-L = 157---(1) total score of 25 innings - x/25=43 x =1075 Average score of 27 innings = 48 (x+ H+L)/27 = 48 put the value of x so, H + L = (48×27)-1075 = 1296-1075 H+L=221-----(2) Eq (1) and (2) 2H = 157+221 =378 highest =H =189runs
Which stage of the decision making process helps the manager in locating the problem?
The Taungya System is a form of agroforestry system in which short-term crops are grown in the early years of the plantation of a woody perennial specie...
Which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: Organic matter in the soil improves soil fertility and nutrient availability.
A classical example of anadromous fish affected due to obstruction of the migratory pathway by dams is……………..
Weight of a soil sample with can is 210 g and dry weight with can is 180 g. Weight of empty Moisture can is 40 g. What will be moisture content of soli ...
Pusa Deepali is a variety of:
Where is the ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture located?
In onion, smell occurs due to the presence of?
pH suitable for fish pond is ___
Which one the following is subjected to photo-decomposition?