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ATQ, Since the new average increases by 0.4 years, the difference in the sum of ages of the students who left and the new students should be: 50×0.6 = 30 years Option I: (42+24+34) − (18+26+26) = 30 years So, option I can be the answer. Option II (57+24+34)−(18+26+40) = 31 years So, option II cannot be the answer. Option III: (36+24+34)−(18+26+21) = 29 years So, option III cannot be the answer.
F3 generation is obtained by:
Which of the following statement is/are true?
Statement A: When a weed spp. is already resistance to a herbicide shows resistance to other herbic...
How many Agro-ecological regions are there in India according to ICAR?
The Certificate of Export (COE) is issued by APEDA for the export of _____
Which one is considered in feasibility survey ?
Rice variety developed by a cross between Pyzum and BPT 5204 is
Which plant is used for indication of permanent wilting point?
What is the subsidy for 15 hp mb plough for SC/ST women according to NABARD
Normally tobacco is grown in which season?
Protection of the wildlife habitat can be done through in-situ and ex-situ conservation methods. Which one of the following is not a site for in-situ me...