
    The average of the present ages of Arun, Mohan, and Deepak together is 30 years. Five years from now, the sum of the ages of Mohan and Deepak will be 66 years. Find the present age of Rohit, whose present age is 20% more than that of Arun.

    A 52 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 44.5 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 40.8 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 48 yrs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, Sum of present ages of Mohan and Deepak = 66 - 10 = 56 years Present age of Arun = 3 × 30 - 56 = 34 years So, present age of Rohit = 1.20 × 34 = 40.8 years

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