Total cost of producing A = ₹200 × 400 = ₹80,000. Total cost of producing B = ₹300 × 300 = ₹90,000. Total cost of producing C = ₹500 × 100 = ₹50,000. Total cost = ₹80,000 + ₹90,000 + ₹50,000 = ₹2,20,000. Total items produced = 400 + 300 + 100 = 800. Average cost = Total cost / Total items = 2,20,000 / 800 = ₹275.
If E and G are of same gender and there are not more than 4 males in the family then how is G related to F?
If brother of L is the husband of H’s son’s sister, then which of the following expression is true?
If G is the son of H, H and I are sisters, K, is the mother of I, J is the son of K, then which of the following statements is correct?
'A + B' means 'A is the wife of B'.
'A – B' means 'A is the father of B'.
'A × B' means 'A is the brother of B'.
'A ÷ B'...
If A is brother of B, C is brother of A, D is brother of E. E is mother of B and F is father of C, how is D related to F?
Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the expression
‘P % Q + R @ S % T’
How is B related to D?
How is H related to J’s daughter-in-law?
How is M related to J?
Newman pointed at a photo of a woman and said, “She is the daughter of my paternal grandfather’s only son”. What is the relation of Newman with th...