
    The average age of Renu and Rekha after three years will

    be 30 years, while the average age of Priya and Renu is currently 32 years. Additionally, the average age of Srishti and Priya three years ago was 36.5 years. If Rekha's present age is 24 years, what is the ratio of the current ages of Srishti and Renu?
    A 4: 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 3: 2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 6: 5 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 8: 7 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Rekha = 24 yearsRenu = 2 x 30 - (24 + 3) - 3 = 30 yearsThen, Priya = 2 x 32 - 30 = 34 yearsSrishti = 2 x 36.5 - (34 - 3) + 3 = 45 yearsTherefore, ratio, Srishti: Renu = 45: 30 = 3: 2

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