Let the speed of the boat be b km/hour and the speed of the current be s km/hour. Average speed = 2xy/ (x+ y) (here, x is the speed of downstream and y is the speed of upstream) = (2 (b +s) (b-s))/ ((b+ s +b -s)) = (b2 – s2)/b = (324 - 196)/18 = 128/18 = 64/9 Km/h
Which of the following substance of opium is used in Cough Syrups?
Head is economical part of -
Which method of training is adopted by farmers to get maximum production in grapes ?
Forking in carrot is observed, it occurs due to _____
Fanging is related to ____
Which state producing highest Mango ?
Portray are related to ______
Bent neck is a physiological disorder of which of the following flowers?
The fruit of banana is botanically a/an
The edible part of the member of Lilliaceae family i.e. Asparagus officinalis is