Required number of ways = (6_(C_2 )×7_(C_1 )×9_(C_1 )) OR(〖 6〗_(C_1 )×7_(C_2 )×9_(C_1 )) OR 〖(6〗_(C_1 )×7_(C_1 )×9_(C_2 )) = (15 ×7 ×9)+(6 ×21 ×9)+(6×7 ×36) = 945 + 1134 + 1512 = 3591
I don’t know much about the matter but I will look into it and get back to you.
Why funds are given to non-existent schools remains a mystery but repeated appeals to convert a school on paper to a real one has fallen on deaf ears....
Given below are four sentences, out of which one sentence is grammatically incorrect. Choose the option which points out the grammatically incorrect sen...
Behind the remains of the inside walls are the cloisters and dormitories, where weary monks lie their heads after a hard day at work and prayer.
Price stability exist when average prices are constant over time, or when they are rising at a very low and predictable rate.
...We must not allow the clock, the calendar, and external pressures to rule our lives and blind us to the fact that each individual moment of our lives a...
Summer is the holiday peak for rural India, but for urban Indians, there’s one peak in August, and then a few similar highs in May, September and ...
Did you knew that the radio is ranked number two in the list of ‘101’ Gadgets that changed the World’s according to History Channel?
In the days before the advent of television, the radio brought the family together to listen news, music and drama.
The edited image/ shows Trump's head/ superimposed into a/ picture of Superman.