Total number of employees in department A and B = 79.2° + 57.6° = 136.8° Total number of employees in department C = 122.4° Number of employees in A and B is more than that of C by = 136.8° – 122.4° = 14.4° Number of employees in A and B is more than C by = 3200 × 14.4/360 = 128 As we know, 128 lies between 120 and 140.
How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘MYSTERIES’ which has as many letters between them in the word as in the alphabetical series?
If third letter from the left end of each word from each group is to be considered, then which among the following group of words can make at least one ...
Each even digit in the number 563298 is replaced by the next higher digit and each odd digit is replaced by the previous lower digit and the digits obta...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word "PROSPECTUS" which has as many letters between them (both in forward and backward direction) in the wor...
If third letter from the left end of each word from each group is to be considered, then which among the following group of words can make at least one ...
If all the digits of the number ‘ 49216583 ’ are arranged in ascending order from left to right, the position of how many numbers will remai...
Find which one of the given words cannot be made from the letters of the word ‘COMPANIONSHIP’ .
If the consonants are replaced by second succeeding letter and all the vowels are replaced by second preceding letter in the word ‘PORTABILITY’ as p...
Five boys Hitesh, Viplove, Rachit, Girish, and Kartik were climbing a column. Hitesh was following Viplove. Rachit was just ahead of Girish. Kartik was ...
Which signs should be interchange to make the given equation correct.
15 ÷ 3 + 7 × 3 - 4 = 0