
    Direction: A company organizes an annual evaluation of employees across its five departments: Research, Development, Finance, Marketing, and Operations. Each department has employees distributed among three experience levels: Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior. The total number of employees across all departments is 600. The following information is known about the distribution and experience levels of the employees in each department: The Research department comprises 18% of the total employees, and within this department, the ratio of Junior to Mid-Level to Senior employees is 3:4:2. The Development department has 22% of the company's total employees, with Junior employees making up 40%, Mid-Level employees 35%, and the rest Senior employees. In the Finance department, which has 16% of the total employees, the Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior employees are in the ratio 2:3:1, respectively. The Marketing department has 26% of the company's total employees, with Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior employees distributed in the ratio 5:4:3. The Operations department includes the remaining employees, with 20% in the Junior level, 60% in the Mid-Level, and the remaining employees in the Senior level. Answer the following questions based on the above data.

    In the Finance department, what is the total number of

    Junior employees, and if each Junior employee in Finance completes 5 projects per year, what is the total number of projects completed by the Junior employees of the Finance department in a year?
    A 150 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 160 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 120 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 60 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Finance department employees = 16% of 600 = 96 Junior employees in Finance = (2/6) * 96 = 32 Total projects by Junior employees = 32 * 5 = 160

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