ATQ, Let the present ages of 'Armaan' and 'Bhanu' be '3a' years and '5a' years, respectively. So, present age of 'Chetna' = '3a + 8' years Statement l: There are two possible cases, Case a: Age of Bhanu > Age of Chetna So, 5a = 3a +8+4 or, 2a = 12 a = 6 So, present age of 'Armaan' = 6 × 3 = 18 years Case b: Age of Bhanu < Age of Chetna So, 5a + 4 = 3a + 8 Or, 2a = 4 So, a = 2 So, present age of 'Armaan' = 2 × 3 = 6 years Both cases are possible. So, data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question. Statement II: According to the statement: {(5a + 10) /(3a + 8 + 10) } = (10/9) Or, 9 × (5a + 10) = 10 × (3a + 18) Or, 45a + 90 = 30a + 180 Or, 15a = 90 So, a = 6 So, present age of 'Armaan' = 6 × 3 = 18 years So, data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
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