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We learn that School N has 60% of the students that School M has. However, this statement only gives us preferences in School N, not School M. We cannot use this information alone to determine the ratio of students who prefer Mathematics to Science in School M. Statement 1 alone is not sufficient. From Statement 2: We know that students who prefer English in School M are twice those who prefer Science in School N. Also, in School M, the ratio of students who prefer Mathematics to English is given as 5:4. But without actual numbers or the ratio of Mathematics to Science in School M, this statement alone is also insufficient. Statement 2 alone is not sufficient. Combining Statements 1 and 2: Even with both statements, we lack direct information about the ratio of Mathematics to Science preferences within School M specifically. The statements give us indirect relationships, but they do not provide enough to determine the exact ratio needed. Correct Answer: (e) Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient.
Crop canopy temperature is measured using
The phenomenon known as buggy whipping in Sorghum is associated with which of the following factors? This condition typically affects the growth and de...
Harvest index of 19% (lowest among pulses) is observed in which crop?
Which of the following is not an indicator of sugarcane maturity?
What nutrient deficiency is indicated when both young and old leaves exhibit chlorosis in the lamina with green veins, along with dead spots on the leaf...
The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and fallow on a given area is known as
Law of Restitution that describes the relationship between the availability of a nutrient and crop yield, suggesting that there is a diminishing return ...
The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has developed a new variety of wheat to keep obesity and diabetes in check. The variety is ____
What is the training system for grapevines that is suitable for vigorous varieties, involves spreading vines over a pandal at 2-2.4 m above the ground, ...
The nitrogen content present in decomposed mixture of dung and urine of farm animals along with litter and left over materials (FYM) is……………â€...