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Statement I: Profit from Product X = (Selling Price - Cost) * Quantity = (150 - 90) * 1,000 = $60,000. Profit from Product Y = (200 - 120) * 800 = $64,000. Profit from Product Z = (250 - 180) * 600 = $42,000. Total profit = $60,000 + $64,000 + $42,000 = $166,000. Sufficient. Statement II: This statement provides relationships regarding profit margins but does not provide exact profit amounts without the production quantities. Not sufficient. Statement III: This provides last month's production cost but does not directly help in calculating the current month's profit without knowing sales and profit figures. Not sufficient. The answer is A.
The C.P of Jeans is how much less than its M.P, if the profit % after selling Jeans is double the % discount offered on Jeans?
The number of employees increased by 40% from 2011 to 2016. If 30% of the employees got promoted in 2016, and the ratio of male to female who got promot...
Find the discount % and profit % of Pullover
Find the profit % of Shirt if the % discount of Shirt is equal to % discount of Jacket and the C.P of Shirt is 1.5 times the C.P of Pullover?
Moti’s investment in 2016 is 12000 less than that of Heera in the same year. Panna’s Profit in 2016 is Rs. 35000. For how many months did Panna inve...
Two cars Q and S start from the destination I at 8 am and 9 am respectively and they are going to the same destination. At what time car S will cross ca...
What is the minimum number of balls faced by MS Dhoni?
Approximately by what percent is the distance between the destination II and V is less than the distance between the destination IV and VII?
If in city P, 40% of the candidates who appeared got selected, then find the number of females who were not appeared?
What time will Spice jet take to cover the distance between destinations I to destination VIII?