Profit on Track suits by Reebok = 24% of 5/9 of 18% of 4crores Profit on Shoes by Puma = 32% of 5/12 of 15% of 4crorestherefore, Required ratio = 24 × 5/9× 18 : 32× 5/12× 15 = 6 : 5
If the number of balls faced by Cheteshwar Pujara to take 1’s is greater than that for 2’s, then he can score a maximum of how many runs?
In 2014, if the difference between number of males and females promoted was 36, then what was the number of employees in the same year?
Indigo starts from destination I towards destination V at 3 am Jet Airways starts from destination V towards destination I at the same time. At what tim...
Find the total profit in the year 2014, if the investment of Panna is half of the investment of Moti in the same year and the profit of the Heera is 220...
The C.P of Jeans is how much less than its M.P, if the profit % after selling Jeans is double the % discount offered on Jeans?
The number of employees increased by 40% from 2011 to 2016. If 30% of the employees got promoted in 2016, and the ratio of male to female who got promot...
Car T covered the distance between destination II and III at the speed of 24km/hr and that between destination IV and V at the speed of 125km/hr. what i...
What is the difference between M.P and S.P of Jacket?
Assume if only the given players score during the match for the team, then what is the minimum score of the team?
Find the ratio of P & Q , if the profits of Heera and Moti in the year 2015 is Rs 21000 and Rs 27000?