
    Data related to five different products Jacket, Blazer, Pullover, Shirt and Jeans are given. C.P (in Rs), M.P (in Rs), S.P (in Rs), Discount % and Profit % of some products are given. Some values are missing in the table. Find the values on the basis of given information and answer the following questions.  

    Find the profit % of Shirt if the % discount of Shirt is

    equal to % discount of Jacket and the C.P of Shirt is 1.5 times the C.P of Pullover?
    A 15% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 7 % Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 5 (5/9)% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 16 (1/3)% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    CP of Shirt = Rs 1.5 × 600 =Rs 900 SP = 1000 × 95/100 =Rs 950 %Profit = (950 – 900)/900 × 100=50/9%= 5 (5/9) % 

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