Number of female subscribers of channel C = 9750 × (7/13) = 5250 Number of male subscribers of channel E = 9350 × (8/17) = 4400 Required difference = 5250 - 4400 = 850
Most enzymes are active in pH range
a) 3.5-9.5
b) 4.5-8
c) 4-7
d) 3.5-6
In cryogenic freezing the liquid nitrogen temperature is:
Butter or ghee is adulterated with the addition of……..
(i) Virus (a) E.coli
(ii) protozoan (b) hepatitis A
(iii) bacteria (C ) plasmodium
(iv) fungi (d) Ringworm
Preservative used as anti-mold agent in bread
Which of the following factors not promote oxidation in Oil & Fat
Malachite green is used as adulterant in_________and_________
Which of the following sentence is INCORRECT with respect to storage temperature?
canning temperature for low acid food is________
Which of the following additives help in maintaining/controlling the acidic/alkaline changes during food processing and hence maintain flavor and stabil...