
    A shopkeeper wanted to sell Rs.2,000 worth of products. But he had two options, giving three successive discounts of 10% each or giving a single discount of 28%. What was the difference between the two options of discounts (in rupees)?

    A 12 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 20 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 16 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 18 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    First discount (10%)- Price after first discount = 2000-0.10 × 2000 = 2000-200 = 1800   Second discount (10%)- Price after second discount = 1800-0.10 × 1800 =1800-180= 1620 Third discount (10%)- Price after third discount =1620-0.10 × 1620 =1620-162 = 1458 Now Single discount of 28% 28% discount: Discounted Price = 2000- 0.28 × 2000 = 2000-560=1440 Difference Between Two Options- =1458-1440 = 18 The difference between the two discount options is Rs. 18. Alternate method– First option = 10%      10%     10% second option =28% in 1st option – Successive discount =10+10-1=19 Again =19+10-1.9 =29-1.9=27.15 2nd option – 28% Difference between discount in these options =28-27.1 =0.90% Now in rupees =2000×0.90/100 =18.

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